Our Business
株式会社ファーイーストカンパニーは、1998年 ANAYIのブランド立ち上げと同時にスタートを切りました。
ANAYIは新しいコンセプト「For More Beautiful Elegance ‐より美しいエレガンスを求めて‐」を掲
クラスアップする、誰からも愛されるスタイルを提案します。「REFINED STYLE MIX」をコンセプトに、オリ
「もてなす」の切り口で表現するライフクラフトブランドHOUSE OF LOTUSなど、多様性のあるファッショ
FAR EAST COMPANY INC. began its journey with the launch of the ANAYI brand in 1998. With the new
concept of “For More Beautiful Elegance”, ANAYI is dedicated to creating excellent-quality clothing with timeless
designs in universally-pleasing styles that enhance the beauty and elegance of all women. The company offers
unique, genuine quality through a range of fashion brands. They include allureville, a selection of original and
authentic items under the concept of “Refined Style Mix”, and the life-craft brand HOUSE OF LOTUS, which
render the aesthetics and philosophy that creative director and model Karen Kirishima has cultivated through her
visits to many countries and cultures through a prism of “taste,” “lifestyle,” and “openness.”
Our Brand
衣料、バッグ、靴、アクセサリーなどの多彩なアイテムを通して、 “新しいエレガンス” をトータルに提案するブランド、アナイ。その特徴は、素材から仕上げにいたるまで細部にこだわり、高級感のみならず機能性をも追求した服づくり。オフィスシーンでもプライベートでも着こなせるブランドとして、洗練と上質を求める多くの女性に支持されています。
ANAYI, a brand that proposes a total “new elegance” with its wardrobe, bags, shoes, accessories and other colorful items. The ANAYI character can be seen in the extra care in material and finishing, and functionality as well as quality in its clothes-making. As a brand that can be worn both in and out of office, its refinement and quality attracts many women.
Our Brand
allureville is an au courant shop that proposes a lifestyle through fashion for refined women with a playful mind. Of primarily standard items of genuine quality, allureville covers a well-balanced selection of feminine, elegant, and even masculine spices. The shop is full of styling enjoyment of various mix and match tastes.
Our Brand
HOUSE OF LOTUS (ハウス オブ ロータス)
ハウス オブ ロータスのコンセプトは「Happiness of Life」。クリエイティブディレクター桐島かれんの、さまざまな国や文化を巡り培ってきた美意識や哲学を、「装う」「暮らす」「もてなす」の切り口で表現する、ライフクラフトブランドです。いつの時代も自分らしく生きたいと願う女性に向けて「Happiness of Life」を創造し続けます。
HOUSE OF LOTUS is a life-craft brand with “Happiness of Life” as concept, embodying creative director Karen
Kirishima’s aesthetic philosophy through a prism of “taste,” “lifestyle,” and “openness” cultivated through her
trips to various cultures around the world.
Our Brand
LOULOU WILLOUGHBY is a fictional woman who lives in the Castle Hotel in London. She is often invited to parties and has an extensive wardrobe of dresses.She combines them with everyday items and downplays them casually with her unique fashion sense.This brand is inspired by the closet of this fictional woman, LOULOU WILLOUGHBY.